Our Impact Revenue Matrix™ provides a very quick look at the possibilities of where you and/or your team could be with a few adjustments and some committed growth. The question often is... "What do I work on first?" We have learned over years of experience that performance is best improved when broken down into smaller, bite-size, repeatable steps that can be practiced over and over again. Sales Professionals who commit to practicing the 7 Steps to Sales Excellence™ will increase their impact in multiple areas... Guaranteed!
- Are you tired of managing underachieving salespeople?
- Are you worried that the next hire (or the last hire) will cost you more than is produced?
- Do you wish you could find someone else to babysit them?
- Are you tired of sales meetings that frustrate the crap out of you?
- Are you concerned about the reputation the current team is building?
- Do you sometimes secretly wish you could off-load the entire team to someone else?
Anyone can sell...well, almost anyone. But not everyone can protect and build your good name and reputation. And some salespeople actually hurt you every time they walk out the door. Does it make sense to talk with someone who is not emotionally involved with the issue(s) you are facing and explore options to off-load part or all of the sales team development? If so, register to connect with Brent in an upcoming webinar. Choose your Tuesday and bring your specific issues to discuss. It is possible that you can get your Training, Coaching, Consulting, Recruiting, Hiring, and Management ALL in one stop... all through Long on Life LLC. Brent's SALTY SALES Training™ curriculum delivered over the structure of The 7 Steps to Sales Excellence™ will change your sales game, increasing both impact and revenue due to increased productivity and less wasted time and effort. Guaranteed! |